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We often speak of independence as if it is a singular concept, but true freedom is an actuality that comes to us as a nation through a series of laws, amendments, bills, policies, and so forth. However, personal freedoms, as we are learning, are fragile. We tout our individualism, but the truth is we are interdependent and need each other to survive. The pandemic showcased that we are indeed stronger together. We learned to depend on technology and strangers in an entirely new way.

It’s said that the first will be the last and the last will be the first, and in those moments, we cheered for those who often went unseen. Now, we have moved them back into society’s shadows, forgetting how we could not survive without the sacrifices grocery store clerks, nurses, teachers, and others made to keep us safe and moving forward. We still owe them so much, those that survived. During that time, we lost so many and so much, and now we are losing the freedoms we cherish. The freedom to thrive in a nation built for prosperity is being challenged, and we continue to push for everyone to experience the fullness of this nation’s promises.

But what is coming down the pike, no longer hidden in plain sight, is a plan to deny us any opportunities to be ourselves, to fulfill our destiny, and to live our dreams of success. Though I was not born during Jim Crow, I am the first generation born after it ended, but the infrastructure was still very much alive. One thing I know for sure is that I am not interested in living in a monarchy or within the structure of Jim Crow. This time, it will affect everyone who does not conform to the plans in place.

Often, when I talk about voting, I speak of the past—how people died for our right to vote and live where we want to live, how people died for the rights of women, and how people fought to have the freedom to love who they want. But during this moment, I feel it is important to speak of the future, a future that includes everyone.

I remember when a good friend of mine was starting her business. I went through my MVP Process with her. It is a process I created to help people get clear about their future. The end of the process involves creating a vision board. She took the vision board component and added it to her business model. She had her employees add their dreams to the company’s board. This idea encompasses Dr. King’s discussion of interdependence and the wisdom that we are stronger together. This vision board not only helped make the company successful, but the employees also experienced their dreams coming true. If we focus on our dreams and understand that others also have their dreams, we can all forge a win together. That is what is before us in the decisions we will make in the next few months—the understanding that when I win, we all win. That is the fundamental focus of true community.

I was watching an interview with VP Kamala Harris and the guys from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. It was a very interesting conversation. As much as I think I know, I try to stay open to learn more about other communities. In that conversation, they began to speak about IVF, and I was a bit confused, but it piqued my interest. I had the biggest OMG moment. In my anger about what was happening to women’s reproductive rights, I never once considered how it impacted the queer community. That is how several people in that community are blessed with children and the ability to have the families they dream of. Although I decided long ago not to become a parent, I talk about it on my podcast, I would not want anyone who is on that path to be denied the ability to have a child of their own. Not only will I support them, but I will fight right alongside them.

That is the future—the realization that not only do our issues intersect, but for all of us to build our legacy and a path to liberation for future generations, we have to do it together as fiercely as others are trying to tear us apart. We all have our opinions of each other and the lives that we live, but I love living in a country that allows it to happen, that allows debate, allows for civil discourse, and allows us to uphold the Constitution even though there are parts I wish were erased. My entire point is I am voting for an administration that sees my humanity and paves roads for my dreams to flourish. That allows me to complain and still makes sure that I have the right to speak freely, choose who I want to pray to, what I want to read, love who I want, and make choices for my body. There is a clear line in the sand, and I hope that your choices include my ability to actualize my dreams, just like my choice includes your ability to actualize yours. The future is forward.

Peace and Blessings,
Monica Wisdom
Chief Mentor, Black Women Amplified & Amplified Podcasting Academy

I was recently asked if I was happy with my decision to leave my career. For 35 years, I dedicated my life, time, and money to an industry I loved. It was all about pure creativity, expression, and the joy of helping people see themselves in a new, beautiful way. From working with celebrities to nurses and global brands, I built not only my life but also contributed to the lives of others.

As time passed, I began to feel a deep calling that, while at the core of what I was doing, was bigger than I understood. When I was young, God spoke to me during a seemingly mundane moment at the shampoo bowl. It felt like I slipped into another portal, and I heard the voice loud and clear, calling me to preach. I brushed it off as a strange moment and went back to work.

Nearly 20 years later, the question arose: What’s next? I always asked myself if I was where I wanted to be in five years, and for the first time, the answer was no. It shook me to my core. Through deep prayer and meditation, I knew it was time to move on and elevate to the realm God called me into—the space of helping women heal and see their divinity within.

Honestly, I was scared. The pandemic shifted something inside of me, cracking the cloud of comfort I was in. One day, an interaction with a client—the first of its kind in 35 years—broke the bubble, and I knew it was time to move forward. I had no idea what I was going to do. Black Women Amplified was in its infant stage, and I was still refining its mission, but it spoke to my heart.

The thread running through my life is my advocacy for women, specifically Black women. From fighting against domestic violence to cancer and social justice, speaking for the voiceless has been at my core—not because I have a deep need to be a hero, but because I didn’t have someone to stand in the gap for me. Through abuse, low self-worth, poverty, and other traumas, I built a shell of protection to feel safe.

I knew that part of my new journey was to heal and unravel the programs of society, my inner thoughts, and family expectations. This version of self-discovery has been monumental. There were so many lies I believed about myself, many misconceptions from what the world told me I was as a fat, weird, female. Why weird? Because I see life through a unique lens, shaped by my specific experiences, and it’s on the fringe of societal norms. But it’s this point of view that draws people in.

People want to hear my perspective and advice on life’s issues. I have a magnet within that opens people up, and they share their realities with me. It can be daunting, but I’ve finally accepted it as my gift. I couldn’t have reached this point without taking the step forward that God had for me—the steps I avoided for decades because I didn’t believe I was worthy until now. Evidence of my life led me to believe it for so long.

In a trigger moment, my dear friend Susan called and recognized my mood. She talked me off the ledge, helping me see my truth along with the miracles and blessings God shared with me. Evidence of all the good surrounding my life. So, when my friend asked if I still felt good about my decision, the answer was a resounding yes. I am grateful for the opportunity to explore and create the dreams God has for my life and to build Black Women Amplified into a space where Black women can heal and see the divine gift they are.

We matter! Now it is time for us to know it fully in our hearts. God is calling us home to ourselves, but like me, it requires us to heal our hearts and shift our minds to fully see our purpose and hear our calling. Because we are tired, y’all. If you are ready to make that journey within, I created a great journal called Self-Love Renaissance, and you can purchase it on Amazon here.

Have a blessed day,

Monica Wisdom

Chief Mentor

The world needs new voices. Voices that have intelligence, experience, practical knowledge, and integrity. With everything being so loud, it is hard to decipher what is real and what is not. Now, with AI, it is easier than ever for people to just make everything up for clicks and views, making money with nonsense that confuses our thoughts. I miss the time of true, long-form journalism when people took months, even years, to follow a story and report on their findings. Now, with fast media, we get reports on Instagram posts and people with elevated social media numbers. This is why we need new voices.

I see this happening so much in the online space that I am unfollowing many people I once thought knew more than me. The truth is, that people are always looking for a hustle, looking for a way to elevate. I get it. As an entrepreneur for over 30 years, I know the hustle of life. But I was taught integrity and to do what I believed in. We didn’t have clicks and views when I started in business. We had a pager and our word, and we said, “word is bond.” If someone broke their word or did not deliver on their promises, it was over.

In this climate of information, we must find voices that can back up what they say. People like you, who are gifted, experienced, and have fact-based information. Speaking with confidence and conviction is not fact-based information. It is someone selling snake oil (Google it). But as women, so many of us have been conditioned to believe that our voice has no value or to allow men to lead. Don’t get me wrong, I love a strong man. But I am not a woman who stands behind anyone. It took me years to discover the courage to speak up and speak out and, most importantly, to know in my heart that my voice has value. Not only does my voice have value, but it is powerful enough to share with others without compromising my integrity for clicks and views.

I know someone reading this is thinking the same thing. Night after night, you watch the news via media or social media, and you have information to support the idea or to refute it, based on your experience and practical knowledge. But you either say it out loud or share it with a friend. Why not share it with the world? We have become so celebrity-focused that we forget everyone started with just a dream and determination. The beauty of technology is that you can begin a platform, sometimes for free. It is entirely possible to turn your “one-day” dreams into your “now” actions. With the idea of wanting to help people, you can start a newsletter, a blog, or a podcast from the comfort of your home. With AI, you have a qualified editor at your fingertips.

But I am not trying to convince you to start anything. I am simply letting you know that your voice has value, and the world needs new voices with innovation and integrity. If you were exploring the idea of a podcast, I created a Gameplan Checklist so you can see what it takes to begin a podcasting journey. Maybe your dream is to become a speaker, but you don’t know how to get your ideas out into the world and social media is not your jam. A podcast is a happy center between you and an audience without the pressure of hitting the stages of others. You will have the opportunity to get your message into the world and start building a community. Again, all from the comfort of your home.

As cliché as it sounds, if I could do it, so can you. If you are interested in talking about what is possible, my coaching schedule has some available spots. We can chat about podcasting or simply what it takes to get your voice, ideas, and expertise out into the world. And no, it is not too late. Your experience is what the world needs right now to help navigate through even the messiest of journeys. At the end of the day, everyone started right where they are; the only difference is their “one day” became today.

For more information on how I can help you develop your ideas and turn them into a platform, check out this website and book a discovery call. I promise your story is worthy of being shared. Have an amazing day and come back for more blog posts and information.

Love and light,

Monica Wisdom, Chief Mentor


I hope you are having a great day.

I just completed a podcast interview, and it was short and sweet. Women’s empowerment is my jam, so it was easy to have the conversation. One thing I can say if you are going into these interview streets is to have your stories ready to share and be ready to share boldly and unapologetically. You have lived your life, and no one is better at telling your story than you.

Now, here is a secret: do not share a story you are still healing from. It makes it difficult to share and continue in an impactful way. Now, don’t get me wrong, I will cry at a commercial, but if you are showcasing yourself, it is best to share stories that have a beginning, middle, and end. If you are still in the middle of it, feel free to share it but be honest that you are still trying to figure it all out. Life is real, and if you are going to share what is real, then keep it real.

Remember, sharing your story is about your audience. The people who will hear you. In order to take them through your journey, like any great movie, present a beginning, middle, and end. Tell a story, don’t just give an answer. It comes across as robotic and shallow. If you are not clear on how that works, watch interviews on YouTube or listen to other podcasts. Find some brilliant storytellers and listen to how they respond to questions. The tone of their voice, the pace of their answers, the length of the story. Storytelling is your superpower, and if you learn to tell a great story that connects with emotion while being concise, you will have a brilliant interview.

Happy Chatting,

Monica Wisdom
Chief Mentor, Black Women Amplified
Chief Educator, Amplified Podcasting Academy

Greetings Leader,

Content may be King, but connection is Queen.

Today is the day, it’s presidential debate day! We are deep in this season, and it’s getting heavy. Between text messages, social media, and heated friends, it all gets overwhelming. Personally, this season, I don’t have much to say—not because I don’t have my opinions, but because I choose to reserve my energy and protect my peace. Kendrick Lamar said it all in his historic concert, “They Not Like Us.” Those four words cover a multitude of circumstances.

But through it all, the most important part I want to talk about is that more than ever, people are sharing their voices and thoughts. Whether I like them or not, at least I know where people stand. Clarity is a great friend. Now, I just listen and say to myself, GOT IT. No more guessing or wondering. And I, for one, appreciate a clear line in the sand. No more Trojan horses. That’s the power of using your voice. People get to know who you are and what you’re about. It is truly a superpower and gets to the core of the information I need to make the best decisions for my life.

It used to be that people didn’t want to know a celebrity or a CEO, but now that we are more values-centered over celebrity-centered, we want to get to know a person better to see if we’re on the same team. As a business person, people need to trust us, know us, and like us. Which is exactly how Kendrick knew Drake was not like us. LOL, I digress. I just can’t get that out of my head. According to TikTok, it’s our third national anthem, “Lift Every Voice.” Anyway, back to the point.

If we use a political campaign at its core structure, you ultimately have two people selling themselves to get your vote. We call that marketing. But at one time in business, we didn’t market ourselves, only the product. But in this era—the era of Taylor Swift and Beyoncé—it is important to share more of your values and stories with your audience. For instance, in my podcast, even when I am interviewing people, I weave in my personal life to make it more of a conversation. Not only that, it is a way to weave in my personal stories, allowing my audience to get to know more about me. Yep, one of the hidden strategies of podcasting. (Stick around LOL)

This is something I learned from studying Oprah. She is always a part of the conversation, which makes it interesting, but it also makes a connection. And in this era, connection is queen. No matter where you are in business, having a connection with your audience, and sharing your story is the key to success. Whether you are sharing photos like Beyoncé, writing songs about exes like Taylor, or expressing your values like a candidate. But your voice, if used responsibly, will have an incredible impact on your business.

Have an impactful day, Monica Wisdom, Life, and Biz Mentor

Hello Family,

Chileeeeee… When I tell you, I never thought the comment section would lead to a court case, but here we are. Today, I had jury duty, and it was over a bad review. Yes, you read that right—a bad review! In this era of grievance, people love to unleash their emotionally charged opinions in the comment section and on online review sites. One bad review can be devastating for small businesses without a reputation management department.

This whole experience reminded me of one of the Four Agreements: “Be impeccable with your word.” Seriously, there are times when things go south, but it’s crucial to get clear on the facts before responding. The pause button is a powerful tool, my friends. I’ve had to learn how to use my pause button when it comes to my real-life responses. I used to be quick to snap back and cut someone down before I even thought about the consequences of my words. And let’s be real, that righteous fury was just a cover for the pain I was feeling.

What I learned is to take a pause, self-evaluate, and ask myself: “Why is this bothering me? Why am I triggered, and is it really that important?” We need to consider this more often because these quick responses are now landing people in courtrooms! The attempt to “get someone straight” has far-reaching repercussions.

I get it—we’ve all been hurt by someone. But we must find other ways to handle it. A phone call, a note, or even just walking away and letting the universe smooth out the situation can work wonders. One of my favorite movies is “Crash.” It came out years ago and changed how I viewed those moments of passionate rage. It shifted my level of empathy, helping me see situations through someone else’s eyes.

Which brings me back to the Four Agreements. Another agreement is “Don’t take anything personally.” Often, it’s not personal because people are seeing a situation through their pain, just like you. Words can be either a feather or a sword, and it’s our choice in how we use them. Before you react or respond, hold your heart and ask yourself, “Will this matter a year from now, and is it worth it beyond today?” Nine times out of twelve, the answer will be no. And like my grandmother always said, “Get ’em with kindness because you always have a choice.”

If you want to read the Four Agreements, you can check it out on Amazon. Have an impeccable day, and I’ll see you soon!

Monica Wisdom
Chief Mentor, Amplified Podcasting Academy
Host and Producer of the Black Women Amplified podcast

Good Day,

Today was eclipse day, and I trucked myself to see this great act of nature. I did not have any glasses, but while getting ready, a download from God helped me see something I never noticed.

I intended to head to the river, and while waiting for the big shadow, what opened up for me was the idea that my lists over the year have been incredibly focused on myself. It was like putting in a food order from the menu of life. I could not believe this information and wondered if this was the first time I heard it or if it was the first time I truly understood it.

Friday and Saturday, I spent in an online workshop called “Mastering your Money Story” with Bettie Spriull. And let me tell you, it was magical. I met Bettie over 20 years ago, and she is one of the premier coaches on the planet. Every time I learn from her, life shifts, which is appropriate given the epiphany I had today about how I was communicating with God.

There was a time when I was a super generous person, and over time, it began to feel like people were taking advantage of me. I began to shut down and keep my brilliance to myself. People were making thousands of dollars off my advice and ideas. What I received was a thank you, but in the beginning, I did not see my worth, so it was not a big deal. And I did not know you could make money from intellectual property. But instead of figuring out how to monetize my gift, I hid it away. The story that everyone was going to take advantage of me began to harden my heart and impact me in other ways.

Even when I was creating vision boards and praying, my perspective has been, what do I want and what do I get? The combination of the workshop and the eclipse shifted something and left an opening for an aha moment that changed everything. Even when I sat in my car to write out what I wanted from the universe changed. It changed with my new understanding. The download from God clearly said, “It is not about what you get, life is about what you contribute” – mind-blown emoji.

I am a big believer in generosity and gratitude, but this was a whole new level of understanding. Since I walked away from a 35-year career, I have been working on new ways to make money. I have made lots of mistakes throughout this year chasing shiny pennies. This download reminded me that life is as big as what you contribute. Money is the smallest part of the equation. Money is the byproduct. So what does that look like? Listen for the difference.

The old way: “God, I would like to create a program that will generate XYZ dollars. I calculate the number of people who it takes to meet that goal. So I am only focused on 20-30 people.” As opposed to, “God, I would like to help humanity elevate in a positive manner that will impact lives around the world.” You see how that feels different. One is about me, and the other is about contributing. WOWWWW.

So, the bigger and more important question is: What am I here to contribute, not what can I acquire in life? LIFE SHIFTS when you open up to new ideas and ingenuity.

Did you have any aha moments?

Love and Light,

Monica Wisdom,

Chief Coach, Monica Wisdom Coaching.