Posts Tagged
‘Empowered entrepreneurship’
October 10, 2023
Achieve dreamsBusiness balancebusiness mindsetEmpowered entrepreneurshipEntrepreneurial challengesEntrepreneurial fulfillmentEntrepreneurial journeyFinancial freedomFreedom lifestyleGoal achievementGoal attainmentGoal settingHustle cultureManifesting successMindful businessMulti-passionate entrepreneurpersonal growthQuality over quantityself careSimplify businessStreamlining effortsStress managementSuccess strategiesTime freedomTime managementTime-saving strategiesWomen entrepreneursWork smarterWork-life harmonyWork-life integration

Hello Moguls,
As women entrepreneurs, we crave a life of freedom and ease. However, we’ve been conditioned to believe that we must grind endlessly until we reach a certain point when everything will miraculously become easier. We associate this with having more money, better credentials, and more experience.
But the harsh truth is that this relentless hustle-and-grind mentality is taking a severe toll on our lives, impacting us mentally, physically, and emotionally. It’s time to reconsider this way of life, not our goals and aspirations, but how we go about achieving them. There is a path to success that doesn’t require us to do it all.
The concept of being a multi-passionate entrepreneur is fantastic, especially when you have a team and another income source supporting your business. However, we’ve shifted our focus from quality to quantity, and we’ve become trapped in a never-ending cycle of managing all our multiple entities, yearning to escape the reality we’ve created.
Let’s be clear; you’ve created your current situation. Yes, you’ve manifested it. Manifesting isn’t just about attracting new cars and parking spaces; it’s about the energy you claim as yours. This includes your complaints, fears, and challenges. All of it contributes to the way you operate in business.
Consider this: you’d operate entirely differently if you felt secure in your ecosystem. But when you have too many irons in the fire, you’re constantly anxious about neglecting something.
We often hear about work-life balance, but what if we aimed to become “un-busy”? It’s a concept I just coined, but it makes sense. What if we could achieve our goals and aspirations but simplify how we do it?
Is it possible to have just one offering instead of ten and still make the same income? Absolutely. It’s like the difference between a boutique and a department store. One offers high-quality products, while the other caters to everyone. The key is understanding what you have the capacity for. Do you have the income, revenue, space, and technology for a full-time staff like a department store, or do you have a desk, a computer, and Wi-Fi? Get clear about where you are before focusing on where you want to go.
In our last post, I mentioned that we’d discuss brainstorming. It’s a crucial part of any development process. All you need is a pen and some paper. Write down your chosen subject at the top of the page, ask yourself a question, and jot down all the answers without editing yourself.
As you strive to streamline your efforts to achieve your goals, increase your personal time, and attain the freedom you desire, ask yourself, “What else can I do to reach my goals?” When you answer these questions, you’ll begin your journey towards time freedom and release the pressure of trying to do it all.
The “all” is the part we need to streamline to start living our dream life now, rather than postponing it for later.
In our next post, we’ll delve into what streamlining could look like for you.
Best wishes,
Monica Wisdom
(shirt available in the SelfMade Shop)